
Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The wisdom teeth can be impacted, partially impacted or erupted. In this case, a careful surgical operation is required, taking into account the important surrounding anatomical structures. After radiographic and systemic checks, symptomatic wisdom teeth are surgically removed under local or general anesthesia. The patient is prescribed post-operative medication and followed up regularly.

Impacted, partially impacted or erupted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort or pain, often by pressing on the surrounding tissues. In such cases, surgical intervention may be necessary. These operations are procedures that require experience and careful planning by the dentist. Preoperatively, an appropriate approach is determined based on radiographic imaging and systemic health status.

The operation can be performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia may be preferred depending on the patient’s condition. After the operation, pain and discomfort for the patient is tried to be minimized. Appropriate medication is prescribed and the patient’s recovery is monitored regularly.

As a result, wisdom teeth can often be found in various positions and may require surgical intervention. These operations should be carefully planned for the comfort and health of the patient and should be performed by an experienced dentist. After the operation, the patient can recover faster by following the recommended treatment.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

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